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Interactions Between Climate Change & Sustainable Development

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Posted by: Karl Ramjohn

A technical paper by Mohan Munasinghe on the interactions between “Climate Change” and “Sustainable Development”…

Munasinghe, M. 2001. Interactions between climate change and sustainable development – an introduction. Int. J. Global Environmental Issues, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp.123–129.

Article Link:…_2004/art1.pdf

·Sustainable development – basic concepts
·Interactions with climate change
·Overview of papers


National leaders are looking for new solutions to many critical problems including traditional development issues (such as economic stagnation, persistent poverty, hunger, malnutrition, and illness), as well as newer challenges (like, worsening environmental degradation and accelerating globalisation). One key approach that has received growing attention is based on the concept of sustainable development or ‘development which lasts’. Following the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and the adoption of the United Nations’ Agenda 21, sustainable development has become well accepted worldwide. At the same time, global climate change poses an unprecedented challenge to humanity. The wide-ranging potential impacts of climate change on sustainable development suggest that linkages between these two topics need to be critically analysed. Accordingly this special issue of the journal is devoted to several papers, which seek to explore the critical issues within the nexus of sustainable development and climate change…

Keywords: Sustainable development; sustainomics; environmental domain; social domain; climate change.